“We used the Lunar Survival (planning to do it again this year). It lead into a great unit and discussion to go along with the news about the astronauts who were simulating living on Mars.” A teacher in Colorado
“I cannot even estimate how many teachers I have shared your resources with over the years! I use a portion of my workshop to get people to sign up for your weekly newsletter.” An administrator in Washington
“Two posts I am quite fond of and return to frequently are: Lower Floors and Raise Ceilings and Three Images To Explain Giftedness.” A teacher and parent in Colorado
Hello! I'm Ian Byrd. I've been writing about education since 2009. I grew up as a gifted student, taught gifted students, spoke at dozens of conferences, and led professional development around the US. Now, I take work off of teachers' plates by developing video lessons that they can just use. Check it out at Byrdseed.TV.